NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confrmation in the paper version or from a live human being.

Education general is a two-year curriculum available to students in the College of Education who have completed less than 60 semester hours of credit. It has been designed to accommodate students who are uncertain about the specific degree programs they wish to enter in the College of Education and students who have not completed the 60 hours required to qualify for admission to curricula in the college for which junior standing is an admission requirement, e.g., secondary education, vocational/technical education, or special education. Students in education general are required to pursue a program of study that includes the course requirements common to all undergraduate programs in the College of Education and the requirements for continuation established by the University and the College of Education. In order to obtain a bachelor's degree, a student must transfer out of education general prior to or during the term in which the student will complete his or her 48th semester hour.

Recommended Program

3-4 RHET 105 or RHET 108, OR SPCOM 111
4 PSYCH 100--Introduction to Psychology
3 Science elective
3-4 HIST 150 / HIST 151, HIST 152/ HIST 153, HIST 260, HIST 261, HIST 262
13-15 Total
3 Speech performance course or SPCOM 112
2-3 Health and physical development
3 Science elective
3 POL S 150--American Government: Organization and Powers
3-4 Mathematics
14-16 Total
3 Humanities elective
3 E P S 201--Foundations of American Education
3 English or American literature
6 Course work in major or minor
15 Total
3 Humanities elective
3 EDPSY 236--Child Development for Elementary Teachers, or EDPSY 211--Educational Psychology
3-4 Laboratory science elective
6 Course work in major or minor
15-16 Total

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