(Approved by the American Dietetic Association)
3 | F N 130--Food Selection and Preparation |
3 | F N 131--Food Management |
3 | F N 220--Principles of Nutrition |
3 | F N 231--Science of Foods |
4 | F N 240--Quantity Food Production and Service |
3 | F N 320--Nutritional Aspects of Disease |
3 | F N 324--Biochemical Aspects of Human Nutrition |
3 | F N 345--Food Purchasing and Equipment Selection |
4 | F N 350--Institution and Restaurant Management: Organization and Administration |
3 | One course selected from |
F N 322--Nutrition through the Life Cycle | |
F N 328--Community Nutrition | |
F N 329--Theraeutic Nutrition and Assessment | |
F N 330--The Experimental Study of Foods | |
9-12 | Three additional human resources and family studies courses chosen from outside the foods and nutrition division |
2 | HRFS 100--Contemporary Issues in Human Resources and Family Studies |
4 | CHEM 101--General Chemistry |
4 | CHEM 102--General Chemistry |
3 | CHEM 122--Elementary Quantitative Analysis, or CHEM 223--Quantitative Analysis and CHEM 224--Quantitative Analysis Laboratory |
3 | CHEM 231--Elementary Organic Chemistry |
2 | CHEM 234--Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
3-8 | BIOCH 350--General Biochemistry; or BIOCH 352--General Biochemistry, I, and BIOCH 353--General Biochemistry, II |
3 | ECON 102--Microeconomic Principles |
6 | Humanities electives (see Agriculture General Education Requirements) |
5 | MCBIO 100--Introductory Microbiology, and MCBIO 101--Introductory Experimental Microbiology |
4 | PHYSL 103--Introduction to Human Physiology |
4 | PSYCH 100--Introduction to Psychology, or PSYCH 103--Introduction to Experimental Psychology |
4 | SOC 100--Introduction to Sociology |
3 | Choose from: |
B ADM 210--Management and Organizational Behavior | |
B ADM 247--Introduction to Management | |
3 | B ADM 321--Individual Behavior in Organizations, B ADM 351--Personnel Administration, or PSYCH 245--Industrial Psychology |
3 | EDPSY 211--Educational Psychology |
5 | MATH 120--Calculus and Analytical Geometry |
6-7 | RHET 105 or RHET 108 and SPCOM 101; or SPCOM 111 and SPCOM 112 |
3 | Composition II see footnote 1 |
3 | Statistics see footnote 2 |
126 | Total |
2. Select from ECON 171, ECON 172; SOC 185, SOC 385; AG EC 261; AGRON 340; EDPSY 390; STAT 100; MATH 161; PSYCH 233, PSYCH 234, PSYCH 235.