The civil engineering curriculum provides a strong foundation in
the engineering sciences and their applications to the planning,
design, and construction of bridges, buildings, dams, hydraulic
structures, transportation facilities, environmental engineering
systems, and many other civil engineering projects that enhance the
quality of life. The flexibility of the civil engineering curriculum
permits a student to pursue either a broad program representing most
of the principal areas of civil engineering or a more specialized
program in one or more technical specialty areas.
The curriculum requires 133 hours for graduation.
Each student's academic program is developed in close consultation
with the student's faculty adviser to be in compliance with the
general requirements of this curriculum and in consonance with the
elaborating guidelines of the department. To ensure that the
individual academic programs thus developed do not abuse the
substantial degree of electivity that is present in the curriculum,
each student's academic program must be reviewed and approved by a
standing committee of the faculty before it is accepted as qualifying
for the degree of B.S. in civil engineering.
First year | |
4 | CHEM 101--General Chemistry |
0 | ENG 100--Engineering Lecture |
3 | G E 103--Engineering Graphics and Design |
5 | MATH 120--Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities see footnote 1 |
15 | Total |
4 | CHEM 102--General Chemistry (Biological or Physical Version) |
0 | C E 195--Introduction to Civil Engineering |
3 | MATH 130--Calculus and Analytic Geometry, II |
4 | PHYCS 106--General Physics (Mechanics) |
4 | RHET 105--Principles of Composition |
15 | Total |
Second year | |
2 | C S 101--Introduction to Computing for Application to Engineering and Physical Science |
2 | MATH 225--Introductory Matrix Theory |
3 | MATH 242--Calculus of Several Variables |
4 | PHYCS 107--General Physics (Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism) |
3 | T A M 152--Engineering Mechanics, I (Statics) |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities see footnote 1 |
17 | Total |
3 | C E 292--Planning, Design, and Management of Civil Engineering Systems |
3 | C E 293--Engineering Modeling under Uncertainty |
1 | C S 110--Programming Laboratory |
4 | PHYCS 108--General Physics (Light, Sound, and the Structure of Matter) |
3 | T A M 212--Engineering Mechanics, II (Dynamics) |
3 | T A M 221--Elementary Mechanics of Solids |
17 | Total |
Third year | |
3 | MATH 285--Differential Equations and Orthogonal Functions |
4 | T A M 235--Fluid Mechanics |
4 | Civil engineering core course see footnote 2 |
3 | Civil engineering core course see footnote 2 |
3 | Mathematics, basic sciences, or engineering sciences elective see footnote 3 |
17 | Total |
3 | Civil engineering core course see footnote 2 |
3 | Civil engineering core course see footnote 2 |
3 | Mathematics, basic sciences, or engineering sciences elective see footnote 3 |
3 | Technical elective see footnote 4 |
6 | Electives in social sciences or humanities see footnote 1 |
18 | Total |
Fourth year | |
3 | Civil engineering core course see footnote 2 |
3 | Technical elective see footnote 4 |
3 | Technical elective see footnote 4 |
3 | B&T W 252--Technical Communication see footnote 5 |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities see footnote 1 |
3 | Free elective see footnote 6 |
0 | C E 295--Professional Practice |
18 | Total |
4 | Technical elective see footnote 4 |
3 | Technical elective see footnote 4 |
3 | Technical elective see footnote 4 |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities see footnote 1 |
3 | Free elective see footnote 6 |
16 | Total |
footnote 1. Each student must satisfy the social sciences and
humanities requirements of the College of Engineering, including ECON 102. Students entering in fall 1994 and later must also satisfy the
campus general education requirements for social sciences and
footnote 2. Each student's program must include at least five
civil engineering core courses, totaling at least 15 hours, selected
from the departmentally approved list that follows.
footnote 3. Each student is required to select at least 6 hours
of departmentally approved electives in mathematics, basic sciences,
and engineering sciences (see the <@@@i> Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Student Handbook).
footnote 4. Technical electives must be selected in accord with departmental guidelines (see elaborating statement that follows).
footnote 5. This course satisfies the general education Composition II requirement.
footnote 6. Subject to constraints imposed by the college, each program may contain up to 6 hours of free electives.
15-17 | Five courses must be selected from among the courses contained in the following list: | ||
4 | C E 201--Engineering Surveying | ||
4 | C E 210/T A M 224--Behavior of Materials | ||
3 | C E 216--Construction Engineering | ||
3 | C E 220--Materials for Transportation Facilities | ||
3 | C E 241--Environmental Quality Engineering | ||
3 | C E 255--Introduction to Hydrosystems Engineering | ||
3 | C E 261--Introduction to Structural Engineering | ||
3 | C E 280--Introduction to Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering | ||
35 | Civil engineering core courses and technical electives . Technical electives must be selected from departmentally approved lists and be in accordance with guidelines established by the department in each of the following two categories: | ||
12 min | Primary Area of Emphasis : Selected from among the courses offered in one of the technical specialty areas in which instruction is offered in this department (see the following listing). | ||
6 min | Secondary Area of Emphasis: Selected from some technical area other than the student's primary area of emphasis. The secondary emphasis area is commonly another technical specialty in civil engineering; students may broaden their basic interests and competencies by selecting secondary areas that are outside of civil engineering but that relate to and support their areas of primary interests. | ||
16 | Cumulative engineering design content in each student's program, where the number of hours of design content in each civil engineering course are specified by the department in listings of course contents. | ||
Each student must complete at least one course that requires completion by the student of an integrated design project. The courses that meet this criterion are determined by the department faculty and are identified in the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Student Handbook. | |||
Extensive programs of instruction are available in each of the
following technical specialty areas: