For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of English
A minimum of 128 hours is required for graduation in this
curriculum. The student is required to complete one teaching minor or
to fulfill requirements for an alternative to a minor. A student who
elects the teacher education major in literature must complete the
teacher education minor in rhetoric or in English as a second
language. Students are advised that additional course work may be
necessary to teach middle grades six through eight after June 30,
1996. Consult the certification officer in
110 Education Building
for additional information.
Departmental Distinction. Distinction will be awarded on the
basis of grade-point average and satisfactory completion of honors,
individual study, and honors thesis courses. See the English education
adviser for a detailed statement of the requirements.
2 | C & I 101--Introduction to the Teaching of Secondary School Subjects |
2 | C & I 219--Field Experience in Secondary Teaching |
2 | C & I 240--Secondary Education in the United States |
2 | C & I 239--Microteaching: Practice in Teaching Techniques |
1 | SP ED 218--Exceptional Students in Secondary Schools |
2 | C & I 229--Field Experience in Secondary Education |
3 | EDPSY 211--Educational Psychology |
3 | E P S 201--Foundations of American Education |
3 | C & I 372--Teaching of Reading in Grades 4-12 |
4 | C & I 241--Techniques of Teaching in the Secondary Schools |
5-8 | ED PR 242--Educational Practice in Secondary Education |
29-32 | Total |
6-7 | ENGL 101--Introduction to Poetry, and one of the following: |
ENGL 102--Introduction to the Drama | |
ENGL 103--Introduction to Fiction | |
ENGL 198--Freshman Honors Tutorial | |
3 | Shakespeare |
6 | Survey of American literature see footnote 1 |
6 | Survey of English literature see footnote 2 |
3 | ENGL 215--Practical Criticism, or approved substitute |
3 | ENGL 302--Descriptive English Grammar |
3 | ENGL 301--Introduction to the Study of the English Language, or ENGL 303--Historical Introduction to the English Language |
3 | ENGL 381--Theory and Practice of Written Composition |
3 | ENGL 385--Literature for the High School |
6 | Advanced electives in literature |
42-43 | Total |
18-30 | Any approved teacher education minor or an approved alternative to a minor (see an adviser for details) |
Footnotes: 1. ENGL 255 and ENGL 256--Survey of American Literature, I and II are strongly recommended.
footnote 2. ENGL 209--English Literature from the Beginning to 1798, and ENGL 210--English Literature from 1798 to Present are strongly recommended.
Option 2: Teacher Education Major in Literature
Available only with the teacher education
minor in rhetoric
minor in English as a second language.
6-7 min | Choose from: |
ENGL 101--Introduction to Poetry | |
ENGL 102--Introduction to the Drama | |
ENGL 103--Introduction to Fiction | |
ENGL 198--Freshman Honors Tutorial | |
3 | Shakespeare |
6 | Survey of American literature see footnote 1 |
6 | Survey of English literature see footnote 2 |
3 | ENGL 215--Practical Criticism |
3 | ENGL 385--Literature for the High School |
9 | Advanced electives in literature |
36-37 | Total |
Footnotes: 1. ENGL 255 and ENGL 256--Survey of American Literature, I and II are strongly recommended.
footnote 2.
ENGL 209--English Literature from the Beginning to 1798, and
ENGL 210--English Literature from 1798 to Present are strongly recommended.
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