For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences and in the Teaching of Mathematics
This program leads to the degree of bachelor of science, with a major
in mathematics. A student must maintain a 4.0 (A = 5.0) grade-point
average in mathematics and a 3.75 all University grade-point average
to remain in the program. All requirements for the sciences and
letters curriculum must be met. A total of 120 hours is required for
graduation. Students are advised that additional course work may be
necessary to teach middle grades six through eight after June 30,
1996. Consult the certification officer in
110 Education Building
additional information.
2 | C & I 101--Introduction to the Teaching of Secondary School Subjects |
1 | C & I 219--Field Experience in Secondary Teaching |
2 | C & I 240--Secondary Education in the United States |
1 | C & I 229--Field Experience in Secondary Education |
3 | EDPSY 211--Educational Psychology |
3 | E P S 201--Foundations of American Education |
0-2 | C & I 239--Microteaching: Practice in Teaching Techniques, or fifteen clock hours of mathematics tutoring in an approved mathematics tutorial program |
5 | C & I 241--Techniques of Teaching in the Secondary Schools |
1 | SP ED 218--Exceptional Students in Secondary Schools |
5-8 | ED PR 242--Educational Practice in Secondary Education |
23-28 | Total |
10-11 | Calculus through MATH 242 or MATH 245 |
3 | MATH 302--Topics in Geometry |
3 | MATH 247--Fundametal Mathematics |
3 | MATH 317--Introduction to Abstract Algebra |
3 | MATH 315--Linear Transformations and Matrices, or MATH 318--Introduction to Linear Algebra |
3 | MATH 344--Elementary Real Analysis, or MATH 347--Introduction to Higher Analysis: Real Variables |
3-4 | STAT 310/ MATH 363--Introduction to Probability Theory, I; or STAT 351/ MATH 361--Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability, I |
3-4 | C S 101--Introduction to Computing for Application to Engineering and Physical Science, and C S 110--Programming Laboratory; or C S 125--Introduction to Computer Science |
9 | Three additional advanced mathematics courses |
40-42 | Total |
Footnotes: 1. This statement reflects revisions of the major pending final approval at time of publication.
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