For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of Biology
While this curriculum is primarily designed for students preparing to
teach biology, it also includes the breadth of work in the sciences
required for teaching general science. Completion of this curriculum
automatically fulfills state certification requirements to teach both
biology and general science. Students are advised that additional
course work may be necessary to teach middle grades six through eight
after June 30, 1996. Consult the certification officer in 110
Education Building
for additional information.
Certification in other teaching areas can also be earned.
A minimum of 129 hours is necessary for graduation.
In addition, a student must have at least a 3.5 (A = 5.0) cumulative and University of Illinois grade-point average to remain in the curriculum.
A student must also maintain at least a 3.0 grade-point average in science and mathematics courses taken at the University of Illinois.
Upper-division courses (200- or 300-level) are broadly specified to permit choice .
The laboratory requirement exposes the student to the experimental side of biology. Because of the number of courses required, including student teaching, ten semesters are usually needed to complete this curriculum.
Departmental Distinction. To graduate with distinction, the student must have at least a 4.5 grade-point average for all work completed, and present evidence of exemplary student teaching.
2 | C & I 101--Introduction to the Teaching of Secondary School Subjects |
2 | C & I 219--Field Experience in Secondary Teaching |
2 | C & I 240--Secondary Education in the United States |
2 | C & I 229--Field Experience in Secondary Education |
3 | EDPSY 211--Educational Psychology |
3 | E P S 201--Foundations of American Education |
2 | C & I 239--Microteaching: Practice in Teaching Techniques |
1 | SP ED 218--Exceptional Students in Secondary Schools |
4-5 | C & I 241--Techniques of Teaching in the Secondary Schools |
5-8 | ED PR 242--Educational Practice in Secondary Education |
26-30 | Total |
MATH 120--Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I; or MATH 135--Calculus | |
Choose from: | |
EDPSY 390--Elements of Educational Statistics | |
MATH 161--Statistics | |
STAT 100--Statistics | |
BIOL 371--Quantitative Biology, I; or an equivalent statistics course | |
8-10 | CHEMISTRY: |
Choose from: | |
CHEM 101--General Chemistry, and CHEM 102--General Chemistry (Biological or Physical Version) | |
CHEM 107--Accelerated Chemistry, I; CHEM 108--Accelerated Chemistry, II; CHEM 109--Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory, I; and CHEM 110--Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory, II | |
5 | CHEM 231--Elementary Organic Chemistry and CHEM 234--Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
10-12 | PHYSICS: |
Choose from: | |
PHYCS 101--General Physics (Mechanics, Heat, and Sound), and PHYCS 102--General Physics (Light, Electricity, Magnetism, and Modern Physics) | |
PHYCS 106--General Physics (Mechanics), PHYCS 107--General Physics (Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism), and PHYCS 108--General Physics (Light, Sound, and the Structure of Matter) | |
15 | BIOLOGY: |
BIOL 120--Genetics, Evolution, and Biodiversity | |
BIOL 121--Ecology and Organismic Biology | |
BIOL 122--Molecular and Cellular Biology | |
46-51 | Total |
Additional hours in biology at the 200 or 300 level selected in consultation with the adviser. One course each from five of the areas listed below, including four having laborabory or field experience. Appropriate biology courses to satisfy the various areas may be substituted with the consent of the curriculum adviser. (Note: Course that include both lecture and lab using a single catalog number are indicated with an asterisk; courses that have separate lecture and lab registration are indicated as a combined listing; no indication means that lab is not offered for that course.)
Choose from: | |
PLBIO 338--Plant Molecular Biology, and PLBIO 339--Experimental Techniques in Eukaryotic Molecular Biology | |
MCBIO 316--Genetic Analysis of Microorganisms, and MCBIO 317--Experimental Techniques in Molecular Genetics | |
CSB 300--Cell Biology, I | |
CSB 301--Cell Biology, II | |
EEE 212*--Basic Ecology | |
PLBIO 381*--Plant Ecology | |
Choose from: | |
EEE 301--Introduction to Evolutionary Biology | |
EEE 232*--Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy | |
PLBIO 304*--Evolutionary Survey of the Plant Kingdom | |
BIOL 252--Population Biology | |
Choose from: | |
ENTOM 301*--Introduction to Entomology | |
EEE 320*--Insect Pathology | |
EEE 340--Natural History of the Vertebrates, and EEE 290--Special Topics | |
MCBIO 200--Microbiology, and MCBIO 201--Experimental Microbiology | |
3 | Philosophy or history of science: |
BIOL 380--Social Issues in Biology | |
BIOL 338--History of Biology | |
PHIL 270--Philosophy of Science | |
Choose from: | |
PHYSL 341--Comparative Physiology of Animals, and PHYSL 304--Systems and Integrative Physiology Laboratory | |
PHYSL 301--Cell and Membrane Physiology, and PHYSL 303--Cell and Membrane Physiology Laboratory | |
PHYSL 302--Systems and Integrative Physiology, and PHYSL 304--Systems and Integrative Physiology Laboratory | |
PLBIO 330--Plant Physiology, and PLBIO 333--Plant Physiology Laboratory | |
Choose from: | |
PLBIO 260*--Systematics of Flowering Plants | |
PLBIO 366*--Field Botany | |
PLBIO 304*--Evolutionary Survey of the Plant Kingdom | |
3-4 | An additional elective course selected from one of the following areas with the consent of the adviser: an area of scientific interest (e.g., BIOCH 350); undergraduate research in any department of SOLS (departmental 290); computer science or computer-assisted instruction C S 101 or C & I 335 |
23-35 | Total |
129-164 | Grand total |
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