For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
The chemical engineering curriculum is arranged in a flexible manner
to permit students to use their elective hours and to substitute
courses to arrange programs incorporating various specific areas of
chemical engineering or interdisciplinary areas. For example,
sequences can be set up in conjunction with the student's adviser to
emphasize environmental engineering, bioengineering, computer science,
or one of many other options. It will be advantageous to the student
to plan course sequences with an adviser as early in the student's
academic career as possible.
Students entering without adequate preparation in mathematics
and chemistry may find it difficult to complete the chemical
engineering curriculum in four years. A typical program, including all
required courses and electives, is shown below. Individual students
may vary the order in which the various courses are taken to suit
their individual needs. However, care must be exercised in scheduling
to ensure that necessary course prerequisites are met.
A total of 129 hours is required for graduation, as shown
Students in the curriculum of chemical engineering must
maintain a 3.5 general average, excluding military training, in order
to be accepted by the department as juniors and seniors.
For information regarding the cooperative education program
in the School of Chemical Sciences, see the
chemistry major in the science and letters curriculum.
Departmental Distinction. A student is recommended for
departmental distinction on the basis of grade-point average and work
presented in CH E
292--Senior Thesis or CH E
390 Projects.
First Year | |
3 | CHEM 107 see footnote 1 -- Accelerated Chemistry, I |
1 | CHEM 109--Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory, I |
5 | MATH 120--Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I |
4 | RHET 105 or RHET 108--Composition I writing requirement |
3 | Elective see footnote 2 ,3 |
16 | Total |
3 | CHEM 108--Accelerated Chemistry, II |
2 | CHEM 110--Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory, II |
3 | MATH 130--Calculus and Analytic Geometry, II |
2 | C S 101--Introduction to Computing for Engineering and Physical Science |
4 | PHYCS 106--General Physics (Mechanics) |
1 | CH E 161--The Chemical Engineering Profession |
15 | Total |
Second Year | |
3 | CH E 261--Introduction to Chemical Engineering |
1 | C S 110F--Programming Laboratory (Fortran) |
4 | CHEM 236--Fundamental Organic Chemistry, I |
2 | CHEM 237--Structure and Synthesis |
3 | MATH 242--Calculus of Several Variables |
4 | PHYCS 107--General Physics (Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism) |
17 | Total |
3 | CH E 370--Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
3 | CHEM 336 see footnote 5 --Fundamental Organic Chemistry, II |
2 | MATH 225 see footnote 4 --Introductory Matrix Theory |
4 | PHYCS 108--General Physics (Light, Sound, and the Structure of Matter) |
3 | MATH 285--Differential Equations and Orthogonal Functions |
15 | Total |
Third Year | |
4 | CH E 371--Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer |
4 | CHEM 342--Physical Chemistry, I |
2 | CHEM 319--Instrumental Characterization of Chemical Systems Laboratory |
2 | CHEM 321--Instrumental Characterization of Chemical Systems |
3 | Electives see footnote 2 ,6 |
15 | Total |
4 | CH E 373--Mass Transfer Operations |
4 | CHEM 344--Physical Chemistry, II |
9 | Electives see footnote 2 ,6 |
17 | Total |
Fourth Year | |
3 | CH E 389--Chemical Process Control and Dynamics |
4 | CH E 374--Chemical Engineering Laboratory |
2 | CH E 381--Chemical Rate Processes and Reactor Design |
7 | Electives see footnote 2 ,6 |
16 | Total |
2 | CH E 390--Individual Chemical Engineering Projects |
4 | CH E 377--Synthesis and Design of Chemical Systems |
12 | Electives see footnote 2 ,6 |
18 | Total |
Footnotes: 1. Students who do not place into CHEM 107, or who do not satisfy the mathematics prerequisite for CHEM 107, may substitute the sequence CHEM 101, CHEM 102, CHEM 223, and CHEM 224 for CHEM 107, CHEM 108, CHEM 109, and CHEM 110.
footnote 2. A total of 16 hours of approved social sciences and humanities electives is required. This must include a sequence of at least 6 hours in social sciences and a sequence of at least 6 hours in humanities. A sequence is usually interpreted to mean any combination of approved courses taught by the same department. Students should consult their departmental advisers for a current list of courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement.
footnote 3. One year of college credit in one foreign language is required. Two units of high school credit in one foreign language are equivalent to one year of college credit.
footnote 4. Students may substitute MATH 315 for MATH 225. Students electing to do so should be certain that they have the prerequisites for MATH 315.
footnote 5. BIOCH 350 may be substituted for CHEM 336.
footnote 6. Students must take at least 18 hours of technical electives in fields such as chemical engineering science. These must include at least 5 hours of chemical engineering electives plus at least 3 additional hours of 300-level electives (or CH E 292). Students should consult their departmental advisers for a current list of courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement.
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