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Recreational programs and services include excellent multipurpose facilities, special events, outdoor recreation, sports clubs, intramurals, exercise and fitness programs, Ice Arena activities, and student leadership and employment opportunities.
One of the most popular recreational areas on campus is the Intramural-Physical Education (IMPE) Building on Peabody Drive. This facility contains gymnasia, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, handball/racquetball and squash courts, and outdoor tennis courts. There are also weight-training rooms, exercise rooms, an archery range, a camping equipment and resource room, a games room, combatives rooms, and administrative offices.
The Ice Arena, 406 East Armory, is open year-round for skating, hockey, broomball, skating lessons, parties, and other activities. A new athletic recreational facility, the Atkins Tennis Center, opened in 1991.
Throughout the year, DCR offers diverse programs appealing to a wide range of interests. These special events include Fresh Starts, Quad Day, Sports Trivia Bowl, poolside concerts, and activities for children living in Orchard Downs.
Exercise and fitness programs sponsored by DCR include aerobics classes, water exercise, and low-impact aerobics classes. Several wellness programs are also offered through the SportWell Program.
More than forty sport clubs provide a variety of activities for students, ranging from martial arts and scuba to rugby and ice hockey. Team and individual sports competitions, practice sessions, and tournaments with other universities are possible.
The outdoor recreation program offers opportunities for students to rent camping and outdoor equipment such as tents, backpacks, and skis. Several clinics, weekend workshops, and extended trips to such areas as the Grand Canyon and the Florida Everglades are scheduled during the year.
Approximately thirty activities are available to students in the organized intramural sports program. Students can participate in men's, women's, corecreational, and graduate/faculty/staff divisions in sports ranging from flag football, soccer, and basketball to tennis, swimming, and wrestling. Novel sports such as in-line skating, ultimate frisbee, broomball, and wallyball have many enthusiastic participants.
Students may apply for part-time employment and volunteer leadership opportunities at DCR. Each year more than 500 students work as intramural sports officials and supervisors, lifeguards, receptionists, designers, aerobic instructors, building/field supervisors, and intramural event managers.
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