Graduate Programs: PLANT PATHOLOGY

NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.

Interim Head of the Department: Gary H. Heichel

Correspondence and Information: Head, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, N-519 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-3170


Professors: J. L. Crane, C. J. D'Arcy, S. K. Farrand, R. E. Ford, L. E. Gray, M. E. Irwin, G. R. Noel, J. K. Pataky, P. D. Shaw, J.B. Sinclair

Associate Professors: D. M. Eastburn, D. I. Edwards, A. D. Hewings, H. W. Kirby, J. D. Paxton, W. L. Pedersen, S. M. Ries, D. G. White, H. T. Wilkinson

Assistant Professors: W. Chen, L. L. Domier, C. E. Eastman


The Department of Plant Pathology offers a full complement of courses and study leading to the master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees. All students are required to have a program-of-study committee meeting after the first semester of graduate study. At that time, the courses a student will take for completion of a degree will be identified based on departmental requirements and individual student interests.

Training consists of a flexible program of courses and research in plant pathology and allied sciences. Areas of specialization include diseases of field, fruit, vegetable, turf, tree, or ornamental crops; virology, nematology, mycology, or phytobacteriology; chemical, genetic, and cultural control; biochemistry of plant diseases and pathogens; etiology; epiphytology; soil-borne diseases; and genetic and biotechnical engineering of plants and microorganisms.


Applicants for graduate study must have a B.S. degree in a biological science from an accredited university. Application files are screened by a departmental admissions committee. Graduate College requirements, including the 4.0 (A = 5.0) minimum grade-point average, apply. We recommend that students take the GRE and have strong letters of reference.


A candidate for the master of science must complete 8 units of credit, including the presentation of an acceptable thesis, and must pass an oral examination. Three units must be in 400-level courses, and 2 of the 3 must be in the major field. Limited credit in equivalent courses earned at other institutions may be accepted at the discretion of the department head and the student's program-of-study committee. Candidates must maintain a minimum grade-point average of 4.0 (A = 5.0) for the master's program.


Students working toward the Ph.D. degree usually require three additional years beyond the master's. To qualify for the preliminary examination, students must complete 8 units of course work, including required courses, beyond the master's degree. An oral preliminary examination before a minimum of four faculty members, including at least three within and one from outside the department, is required. A final examination by the same committee follows the presentation of an acceptable thesis based on original research by the student. Experience in teaching is a vital part of the graduate program and is required as part of the academic work of all Ph.D. candidates. A grade-point average of at least 4.0 is required for the Ph.D. degree.


Financial aid for graduate students in plant pathology is available as fellowships, research assistantships, and tuition and partial fee waivers. Qualified candidates are considered automatically for financial support upon application. Graduate students must make satisfactory progress toward their degree in order to renew their annual contract for support.

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