Head of the Department: D.K. Campbell
Correspondence and Information: Graduate Advising Office, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 227 Loomis Laboratory of Physics , 1110 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801-3080; (217) 333-3645
Professors: G. A. Baym, M. K. Brussel, D. K. Campbell, L. S. Cardman, D.
M. Ceperley, S. J. Chang, Y. C. Chang, T. C. Chiang, P. D. Coleman, P. T.
Debevec, P. G. Debrunner, J. G. Eden, G. Ehrlich, B. I. Eisenstein, R. A.
Eisenstein, S. M. Errede, C. P. Flynn, E. H. Fradkin, J. M. Gibson, D. M.
Ginsberg, G. E. Gladding, E. Gratton, L. H. Greene, K. Hess, L. E. Holloway, N.
Holonyak, R. J. Holt, I. Iben, E. A. Jackson, L. M. Jones, M. V. Klein, J. B.
Kogut, M. J. Kushner, F. K. Lamb, P. C. Lauterbur, A. J. Leggett, K. Y. Lo, D.
E. Mapother, R. M. Martin, J. M. Mochel, T. Ch. Mouschovias, A. M. Nathan, M.
H. Nayfeh, Y. Oono, V. R. Pandharipande, C. J. Pethick, D. Pines, I. K.
Robinson, M. B. Salamon, K. I. Schulten, K. S. Schweizer, R. O. Simmons, C. P.
Slichter, L. L. Smarr, J. D. Stack, H. J. Stapleton, G. Stillman, J. D.
Sullivan, J. J. Thaler, J. W. Truran, J. K. Wambach, W. D. Watson, M. B.
Weissman, J. E. Wiss, J. P. Wolfe, P. G. Wolynes, H. W. Wyld
Associate Professors: D. H. Beck, P. M. Goldbart, N. D. Goldenfeld, G. D. Gollin, S. Granick, D. W. Hertzog, S. A. Lamb, T. M. Liss, H. Morkoc, P. W. Phillips, D. N. Ruzic, R. L. Schult, M. Stone, L. A. Thompson, D. J. Van Harlingen
Assistant Professors: D. Cahill, S. L. Cooper, A.W. Hübler, G.U. Nienhaus, M. A. Selen, A. V. Sokol, S. S. Willenbrock
The Department of Physics offers graduate work leading to the master of science
and the doctor of philosophy degrees. There is opportunity for experimental or
theoretical specialization in nuclear physics; elementary particle physics;
nuclear magnetic and electron spin resonance; astrophysics; the physics of
solids, including research on ionic crystals, metals, semiconductors,
superconductors, surface physics, and the properties of liquid helium;
biomolecular and biological physics; laser spectroscopy of atoms; and nonlinear
dynamics and complex systems. Graduate study in several areas of applied
physics is available in conjunction with other departments in the University.
Requirements for admission to the graduate program in physics, in addition to
those of the Graduate College, are 20 hours of physics, excluding courses in
general physics and including a semester of intermediate theoretical mechanics,
and two semesters of intermediate electricity and magnetism or the equivalent.
Advanced undergraduate courses in light, thermodynamics, and atomic and quantum
physics, and undergraduate study of a foreign language are strongly
recommended. Students whose undergraduate training in physics is deficient in
one or more basic areas are often admitted on limited standing with
deficiencies to be removed during the first year of graduate study.
This program requires 8 units of graduate courses and is usually completed in
one year of full-time study by students entering in full standing. Students
entering with deficiencies may require up to two years to complete the degree
requirements. Precise statements of degree requirements may be obtained from
the graduate advising office of the Department of Physics.
Students working for the Ph.D. degree usually require from four to six years to
complete the requirements. Students admitted with full standing are expected to
pass the qualifying examinations within the first eighteen months of residence
and the preliminary examinations within the following eighteen months.
Departmental requirements for the doctor of philosophy degree, in addition to
the general requirements of the Graduate College, are described in a pamphlet
that may be obtained from the graduate advising office of the Department of
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