Director of the Division: John W. Erdman, Jr.
Correspondence and Information: Division of Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 451 Bevier Hall , 905 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-4177
Professors: D. H. Baker, R. A. Boileau, B. M. Chassy, J. H. Clark, R. A.
Easter, J. W. Erdman, Jr., G. C. Fahey, Jr., P. V. Johnston, S. K. Kamath, K.
E. Kelley, B. P. Klein, D. K. Layman, R. I. Mackie, N. R. Merchen, R. A.
Nelson, T. Nishida, W. D. O'Brien, E. G. Perkins, J. L. Robinson, A. A.
Salyers, A. J. Siedler, W. J. Visek
Associate Professors: P. E. Bowen, B. H. Cho, A. S. Hassan, T. F. Hatch, A. K. Hatfield, E. H. Jeffery, R. L. Magin, M. R. Murphy, J. E. Novakofski, R. D. Reynolds, S. J. Schmidt, K. W. Singletary, S. R. Trupin, M. A. Wallig
Assistant Professors: B. H. Arjmandi, K. M. Chapman, S. M. Donovan, J. K. Drackley, H. R. Gaskins, R. H. McCusker, J. Odle, S. M. Potter, N. F. Shay, T. L. Smith, R.J. Stillman
Emeritus Professors: C. L. Davis, R. M. Forbes, B. L. Larson, S. P. Mistry, E. Sleator
Requirements for the M.S. include courses in general biochemistry, two courses
in advanced nutrition, and one semester of seminar. Additional courses are
available in such diverse subjects as human and animal nutrition, biochemistry,
physiology, immunology, food science, education, anthropology, psychology,
sociology, statistics, and agricultural economics. The M.S. degree may be taken
with or without a thesis. The minimum M.S. course work requirement is 6 units
(plus at least 2 units of thesis credit) for the thesis degree and 9 units for
the nonthesis degree.
In addition to maintaining a 4.0 average in formal course work, Ph.D. students
are required to take an oral preliminary examination and a final thesis
examination. There is no foreign language requirement, but students whose
native language is not English are required to have competence in English. A
minimum of 24 units of credit work beyond the baccalaureate degree is
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