NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.

Head of the Department: Vincent J. Bellafiore

Coordinator of the Graduate Program: Douglas M. Johnston

Correspondence and Information: Coordinator of the Graduate Program, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 214 Mumford Hall , 1301 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-0176


Professors: J. R. Anderson, V. J. Bellafiore, T. G. Harkness, L. D. Hopkins, J. A. Jakle, B. A. Orland, R. B. Riley, E. S. Weidemann

Associate Professors: K. H. Anthony, D. M. Johnston, G. B. Kesler, D. A. Kovacic, J. Vining

Assistant Professors: C. Emmerling-DiNovo, M. G. Helgeson, J. F. Johnson, A. Sinha, C. D. Verson

Emeritus Professor: W. M. Keith


The Department of Landscape Architecture offers work leading to the master of landscape architecture degree. The program is designed to enable students to gain fresh insights and to experiment with new applications pertaining to land and its use by people. Courses and faculty research activities range from at-site to regional scales and include land resources planning and design, and behavioral and cultural factors in design. The scope of work may include ecological and behavioral assessment, human perception, and comprehensive computer-based methods. Before submitting an application, students should obtain a departmental pamphlet that describes the specific areas of study and the time needed to complete the requirements.

Several faculty members in the department are also faculty members in the regional planning Ph.D. program administered by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. See the program description under the Department of Urban and Regional Planning for more information.


The Graduate College admission requirements apply, except that higher TOEFL scores are required for international students. All students are required to take the general Graduate Record Examination. Students are admitted on an individual basis according to a review of their prior accomplishments with an emphasis on academic achievement. Candidates from undergraduate design programs must submit samples of their design work with their applications. Candidates without undergraduate preparation in landscape architecture will be admitted on limited status and must complete undergraduate prerequisite courses in addition to graduate work.


A student must complete a minimum of 12 units, with at least 6 units taken within the department and at least 3 units of electives chosen from courses offered outside the department. At least 41/2 units must be taken in 400-level courses. Specific courses to be taken are determined in consultation with an adviser. These courses culminate in a master's thesis (Landscape Architecture 499) that permits the student, under the approval and supervision of a faculty committee, to pursue independently an in-depth work of particular relevance for landscape architecture.


Students compete for fellowships, tuition and service fee waivers, and assistantships. Selection is based on the academic achievement and qualifications of the student.

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