Head of the Department: C. E. Thorn
Correspondence and Information: Graduate Adviser, Department of Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 220 Davenport Hall , 607 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 244-3486
Professors: B. M. Hannon, G. J. D. Hewings, J. A. Jakle, D. L. Johnson
Associate Professors: T. J. Bassett, T. D. Frank, S. A. Isard, B. L. Rhoads, C. E. Thorn, D. Wilson
Assistant Professors: B. H. Aten, E. Kalipeni, K. B. Newbold
The Department of Geography offers work leading to the master of arts, master
of science, and doctor of philosophy degrees. The department's specializations
are organized into three programs: (1) economic geography/regional science
(industrial location, transportation, techniques of urban and regional
analysis, urban systems); (2) urban and rural development (social theory,
political processes, urban morphology, cultural ecology and development,
historic landscape analysis); and (3) physical geography (fluvial, periglacial,
soil, Quaternary studies, remote sensing, geographic information systems).
Detailed descriptions of these programs may be obtained from the departmental
Students applying for admission to the master's program are expected to have a
strong undergraduate background in geography and/or related disciplines. In
addition to other Graduate College admission requirements, a grade-point
average of at least 4.0 (A = 5.0) in the undergraduate major is required. Ph.D.
candidates are generally expected to have at least a 4.5 average in previous
graduate work.
Successful candidates for the master's degree whose backgrounds are largely in
physical geography are recommended for the master of science; others receive
the master of arts. The Graduate College requirements for the master's degree
Admission presupposes distinction in completing the master's program in
geography at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign or its equivalent.
In the doctoral program, the student develops depth in the program chosen for
specialization and further advances in research competence. Of the 16 units
required beyond the master's degree, 4 units of study in allied disciplines and
a minimum of 6 additional units in geography are required. A student must
complete the course requirements as determined by an individually planned
program, initiate and complete research projects, and qualify for candidacy by
passing the preliminary examination. Although there is no departmental foreign
language requirement, students may offer a foreign language as a research
Fellowships, teaching and research assistantships, and waivers of tuition and
some fees are available in the department. See the discussion on financial aid
on Financial Aid for a description of the provisions of these awards.
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