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Director of the Institute: Roger A. Minear

Correspondence and Information: Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1101 West Peabody Drive, Urbana, IL 61801


Professors: R. J. Burdge, D. M. Gardner, L. G. Hansen, L. D. Hopkins, R. A. Larson, R. A. Minear, M. J. Plewa, G. L. Rolfe, W. D. Seitz

Associate Professors: B. M. Francis, E. H. Jeffery, K. N. Paige, D. G. Simpson, J. Vining

Assistant Professor: S.L. Schantz

Emeritus Professors: B.B. Ewing, R.L. Metcalf

The Institute for Environmental Studies coordinates and supports programs of research, teaching, and public service in areas related to environmental quality. Although the institute does not offer degree programs, it offers graduate-level courses on environmental subjects and provides opportunities for students working within specific disciplines to participate in interdisciplinary environmental research.

The institute's close ties with many other campus units make it possible for students seeking graduate degrees from those units to engage in environmental research within the institute's varied interdisciplinary program. Current scholarly research at the institute addresses a wide range of significant environmental problem areas, including environmental toxicology, environmental mutagens and carcinogens, water quality and water resources management, effects of pollution on biological systems, environmental chemistry, social and economic impacts of resource development, methods of environmental risk assessment, analysis of environmental perception and decision making, economics of environmental regulation, and environmental quality management. Institute faculty--who represent such diverse disciplines as genetics, chemistry, pharmacology, teratology, ecology, engineering, economics, leisure studies, psychology, sociology, and statistics--direct graduate research of students enrolled in a wide variety of degree programs on campus.

The interdisciplinary environmental toxicology program, coordinated by the institute, offers specialized training in the study of toxic substances in the environment. This program has recently been expanded to provide a concentration in the health effects of environmental toxicology. Graduate students with backgrounds in fields such as the life sciences, health sciences, chemistry, or engineering are eligible to apply for admission to the program. Faculty from several University schools and colleges participate in the program's teaching and research activities and serve as research advisers to its students. In addition to completing a core of course work in environmental toxicology, degree candidates must satisfy the requirements of the cooperating graduate unit in which they are enrolled. Financial support is available through a limited number of graduate research assistantships for which students may apply through the institute. A brochure describing the program and the requirements for admission and graduation is available from the institute.

The institute's interdisciplinary program in environmental mutagens and carcinogens complements the graduate degree specialization in environmental toxicology described above. The objectives of this program are to develop methods to detect and identify mutagenic substances; determine their sources, transport, transformations, and fate in the environment; evaluate exposures to target organisms; and evaluate the economic and social impacts of these exposures.

Further information on opportunities for graduate education in environmental studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is provided in Environmental Graduate Programs, a brochure available from the institute. Also available is a comprehensive listing of environmental courses currently offered by the institute and by other campus units.

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