Graduate Programs: EDUCATION

NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.

(Including Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Organization and Leadership; Educational Policy Studies; Educational Psychology; Special Education; and Vocational and Technical Education)

Dean of the College of Education: P. David Pearson

Correspondence and Information: Fred S. Coombs, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 120 Education Building , 1310 South Sixth Street, Champaign, IL 61820; (217) 333-0964


Professors: J. D. Anderson, R. C. Anderson, T. H. Anderson, B. Armbruster, S. R. Asher, A. J. Baroody, B. C. Bruce, Jr. N. C. Burbules, F. S. Coombs, D. L. Essex-Sorlie, H. S. Farmer, J. A. Farmer, W. Feinberg, S. A. Fowler, J. Garcia, M. B. Griggs, J. W. Halle, L. W. Harmon, L. W. Heal, J. F. Hill, S. O. Ikenberry, C. J. Karier, L. G. Katz, H. C. Kazanas, G. W. Ladd, J. A. Leach, S. R. Levy, J. W. Loeb, J. M. Mason, J. A. McCollum, G. W. McConkie, T. L. McGreal, P. D. Pearson, A. J. Peshkin, F. A. Rodgers, L. J. Rubin, F. R. Rusch, R. A. Smith, R. J. Spiro, B. Spodek, R. E. Stake, P. W. Thurston, T. J. Tracey, K. J. Travers, W. T. Trent, P. C. Violas, J. L. Walker, J. G. Ward, T. Wentling, C. K. West, I. D. Westbury, J. S. Zaccaria

Associate Professors: L. Bresler, J. Chadsey-Rusch, R. T. Clift, E. J. Copeland, R. Cordova-Wentling, G. A. Cziko, L. DeStefano, L. F. Fitzgerald, J. S. Gaffney, D. L. Harnisch, V. J. Harris, S. D. Johnson, K. R. Koenke, J. A. Levin, M. V. Levine, A. L. Madsen, C. McCarthy, E. F. McClure, R. E. Nelson, J. C. Ory, R. C. Page, L. Perkins, N. A. Prestine, A. M. Renzaglia, J. B. Rounds, M. M. Shorish, S. E. Tozer, D. J. Walsh, J. L. Wardrop, M. L. Waugh, K. G. Witz

Assistant Professors: T. A. Ackerman, K. L. Alston, C. Anderson, B. Barnett, T. Bennett, D. D. Bragg, D. E. Brown, J. L. Ellickson, G. E. Garcia, P. L. Glidden, R. Jiminez, C. E. Kozoll, B. Merchant, L. A. Meyer, L. E. Monda-Amaya, S. Noffke, M. Osborne, M. Ostrosky, M. Perry, I. Rocha-Singh, J. Singleton, R. Stofflet, A. I. Willis, P. P. Zodhiates, D. Zola


The College of Education offers graduate work leading to the master of education, the master of arts, the master of science, the advanced certificate, the doctor of education, and the doctor of philosophy degrees.

Graduate students in the College of Education may enroll in one of the six departments listed above. The following suggests the broad range of specialties available within the college: aesthetic education; business, office, and distributive education; comparative education; continuing education and professional development; computer applications in education; counseling psychology; early childhood education; educational administration and supervision; educational psychology; elementary school subject specialties (mathematics, language arts, science, social sciences); statistics and measurement; higher education administration; history of education; educational policy analysis; human development; industrial education; language development; learning and instruction; philosophy of education; quantitative and evaluative research methodologies; reading; secondary education (English, mathematics, science, social science); sociocultural perspectives; special education (special learning and behavior problems, severe and moderate disabilities, early childhood education, early childhood intervention for infants and toddlers, vocational education for students with special needs, and skills improvement program administration); and teacher education (elementary, secondary, vocational, special). Other areas of specialization within education may be developed by the student and adviser. More detailed descriptions of specializations offered within departments are available through departmental offices.


State certification as a teacher or administrator is required for advanced graduate study in some fields. The Council on Teacher Education functions as the all-University governance system for certification. Graduate students who wish to qualify for the council's recommendation for a teaching or administrative certificate must complete the appropriate undergraduate or graduate program or equivalent. The College of Education offers graduate-level certification programs in early childhood education, elementary education, moderate to severe disabilities, collaborative/resource teaching, and administration. Students are invited to contact the certification officer of the Council on Teacher Education (110 Education, 333-7195) for additional information.


Admission. Students may be considered for admission if they are (1) graduates of an institution awarding a baccalaureate or equivalent degree comparable to that of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; (2) adequately prepared for advanced study as demonstrated by previous experience, personal qualifications, and scholastic records; and (3) recommended by the proposed department of study. In general, a 4.0 grade-point average (A = 5.0) for the last 60 hours of the undergraduate program and for any previous graduate work is a minimum requirement for admission. The Graduate College admission requirements apply. Some departments in the College of Education require additional test scores of applicants.

Program Description. Within each of the departments in the College of Education exists a rich variety of practice-centered programs adaptable to the interests of beginning graduate students. The master of education is a professional degree designed for those students who seek a practical understanding to prepare them for work in the educational professions.

Requirements. A minimum of 8 units of study is required to meet degree requirements except in educational administration, which, because of state certification, has a 10-unit requirement. Students are required to take two courses in educational psychology and two courses in educational policy studies. In educational psychology, one course is selected from the psychological foundations of learning area (Educational Psychology 311, 313, or 314), and one course is selected from the psychological foundations of personality and development area (Educational Psychology 312, 315, or 316). In educational policy studies, one course is selected from the social foundations area (Educational Policy Studies 300, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 312, 314, or 315) and a second course is selected from the philosophical foundations area (Educational Policy Studies 301, 304, 305, 306, 307,or 308). Students may take proficiency examinations in any of these required courses. Three units of 400-level courses in education are required, and the program is completed by additional 300- or 400-level courses selected by students in consultation with an academic adviser. Individual departments in the college may require a student to take additional courses beyond these to complete the program. The credit-no credit option may not be used to meet the minimum 8-unit requirement for this degree. No thesis is required for the Ed.M. degree.


Admission requirements are the same as those for the master of education degree.

Program Description. An extensive offering of research-based programs may be found in the college. All the specialties listed earlier may be pursued from a research perspective. The A.M. and M.S. are research-oriented degrees designed for students who seek research careers in education-related fields.

Requirements. A minimum of 8 units of study is required to meet degree requirements, except in educational administration and counseling psychology, which require 10 units. Students must take two courses in educational psychology and two courses in educational policy studies. In educational psychology, one course is selected from the psychological foundations of learning area (Educational Psychology 311, 313, or 314), and one course is selected from the psychological foundations of personality and development area (Educational Psychology 312, 315, or 316). In educational policy studies, one course is selected from the social foundations area (Educational Policy Studies 300, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 312, 314, or 315) and a second course is selected from the philosophical foundations area (Educational Policy Studies 301, 304, 305, 306, 307, or 308). Students may take proficiency examinations in any of these required courses. Three units of 400-level courses in education are required (thesis research not included). Individual departments may require students to take additional courses to complete a program. The credit-no credit option may not be used to meet the minimum 8-unit requirement for this degree. No more than 2 units of thesis research credit count toward the minimum 8 units. Each student must defend the required thesis in an oral examination before a committee of three faculty members chaired by the student's adviser.


Admission. A master's degree in an appropriate field and two years of successful professional education experience are required for admission to the advanced certificate program. Some advanced certificate specializations require students to submit Miller Analogies Test scores for admission.

Program Description. The advanced certificate may be pursued in educational organization and leadership; curriculum and instruction; educational psychology; special education; and vocational and technical education. The advanced certificate program is intended for students who desire a planned course of study beyond the master's degree, but do not wish to pursue the type of scholarly work typically expected in a doctoral program.

Requirements. A minimum of 8 units beyond the master's degree is required for the degree; 4 units must be at the 400 level. A student who has not previously taken the foundations courses in educational psychology and educational policy studies required for the Ed.M., A.M., or M.S. degree must do so or pass proficiency examinations for these courses. The credit-no credit option may not be used to satisfy the minimum requirements for this degree.


Admission. Applicants for study leading to Ed.D. must submit a complete application for admission, including three letters of reference and official transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate work. In addition, most departments within the college require either the Miller Analogies Test or the Graduate Record Examination. Applicants should contact departments concerning requirements for submission of test scores and other information. The applicant must hold a master's degree with a major in education or another related subject from an institution whose degrees are comparable to those of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In general, a 4.0 grade-point average (A = 5.0) for the last 60 hours of the undergraduate program and for any previous graduate work is a minimum requirement for admission to the Ed.D. program. The general admission requirements of the Graduate College must be met.

Program Description. Students may study any of the broad range of specialties listed at the top of this document. Programs leading to the Ed.D. degree are planned by each student with an adviser to provide advanced professional training and to develop further ability in the scholarly study of professional practice-centered problems.

Requirements. The Ed.D. degree requires 16 units of credit beyond the master's degree, including at least 6 units of course work in the area of specialization or related area and up to 4 units of thesis research credit. Acceptance of credit earned elsewhere does not reduce the Graduate College resident requirement. Within the required 16 units, a student must complete two perspective course options of 2 units each, designed to help in understanding and interpreting the developing practioner-scholar role, and two additional courses in research methods. (See the College of Education Graduate Programs Handbook for a more detailed description of suitable course work.)

The College of Education required Ed.D. candidates to complete a continuous residence of 4 consecutive terms (including summers) in an approved full-time combination of academic courses and professional experiences. Plans describing ways in which academic work can be integrated with professional experience during the residency will be on file in the department office.

Near the end of course work and before admission to the oral preliminary examination, the applicant must take written qualifying examinations in the general field of study embraced by the home department or division, in a special field covering an area of specialization proposed by the student with the concurrence of the adviser, and in research methodology. Additional written or oral examinations may be required by some departments or areas of specialization. Each portion of the examination is read and evaluated separately by three readers. All parts of the examination must be judged competent doctoral work by all readers.

An Ed.D. candidate must complete a thesis in accordance with the general requirements of the Graduate College; no more than 4 units of thesis credit may be used to meet the 16-unit requirement. A student who has completed course work taken as part of the requirements for the advanced certificate in education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign may petition for the application of not more than 6 units of such work toward the program leading to the doctor of education, provided that the course work has been taken within five years of the date of petition.


Admission. Applicants for study leading to the Ph.D. must submit a complete application for admission, including three letters of reference and official transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate work. In addition, most departments within the college require either the Miller Analogies Test or the Graduate Record Examination. Applicants should contact departments concerning requirements for submission of test scores and other information. The applicant must hold a master's degree with a major in education or another related subject from an institution whose degrees are comparable to those of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In general, a 4.0 grade-point average (A = 5.0) for the last 60 hours of the undergraduate program and for any previous graduate work is a minimum requirement for admission to the Ph.D. program. The general admission requirements of the Graduate College must be met.

Program Description. Students may study any of the specialties listed on at the top of this document. The Ph.D. program is planned by each student with an adviser to develop the student's ability to do scholarly research in a specialized field of education.

Requirements. The Ph.D. degree requires 16 units of credit beyond the master's degree, including up to 8 units of thesis research credit. Acceptance of credit earned elsewhere does not reduce the Graduate College resident credit requirement. The College of Education requires a residence period beyond the master's, which must include two successive semesters of full-time study on the UIUC campus. Each candidate will satisfy an early research requirement early in the program under the guidance of a research committee. Ph.D. candidates also complete an approved supervised professional work experience that is at least the equivalent of half-time work for one semester. This requirement must be completed between admission and the completion of degree requirements.

A Ph.D. candidate is required to demonstrate competence in one of several research methodology areas. The four courses typically submitted as part of this demonstration are taken in addition to the minimum of 16 units of credit beyond the master's degree. Requirements for all research methodology areas are available in the Graduate Programs Office, College of Education.

Near the end of course work and before admission to the oral preliminary examination, a Ph.D. candidate must complete written qualifying examinations in the general field of study embraced by the home department or division, and in a special field covering an area of specialization proposed by the student with the concurrence of the adviser. Additional written or oral examinations may be required by some departments or areas of specialization. Each portion of the examination is read and evaluated separately by at least three readers. All parts of the examination must be judged competent doctoral work by all readers.

A Ph.D. candidate must complete a thesis in accordance with the general requirements of the Graduate College; no more than 8 units of thesis research credit may be applied to the 16-unit requirement.


All major doctoral programs have limited teaching and research assistantships available. Some fellowships and tuition and service fee waivers are also available. In the past a majority of doctoral students have received some form of financial aid during their period of study. Additional information concerning financial aid can be obtained from the six departmental offices listed on at the top of this document.

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