Graduate Programs: ASIAN STUDIES

NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.

(Including Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Sanskrit, and Thai)

Correspondence and Information: East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Studies: Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 608 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; South and West Asian Studies: Program in South and West Asian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 381 Lincoln Hall , 702 South Wright Street, Urbana, IL 61801


Professors: E. Accad, N. Aggarwal, P. R. Balgopal, E. M. Bruner, C. Capwell, C. C. Cheng, S. P. Cohen, C. E. Cunningham, P. B. Ebrey, E. Giles, D. G. Goodman, J. Hill, H. H. Hock, T. Hymowitz, B. Kachru, Y. Kachru, J. D. Keller, C. W. Kim, B. B. Kling, F. K. Lehman, B. Nettl, D. W. Plath, G. G. Porton, S. Rashid, P. Schran, C. C. Stewart, K. Taira, G. L. Tikku, R. P. Toby, M. G. Weinbaum, G. T. Yu

Associate Professors: B. Bognar, K. W. Chow, D. M. Desser, S. A. Douglas, P. N. Gregory, J. K. Haboush, R. C. Jennings, S. Johnson, W. L. MacDonald, H. P. Maguire, J. L. Packard, J. Peterson, T. J. Riley, M. M. Saul, M. M. Shorish, K. E. Southwood, M. Wagner

Assistant Professors: N. A. Abelmann, H. Butler, Z. Cai, K. Doak, A. P. Elhance, S. Fuji, V. J. Hoffman-Ladd, D. A. Pan, R. Pandharipande, W.T. Pitard, L. J. Unnevehr


The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures administers, in cooperation with the Program in South and West Asian Studies where applicable, a two-year program of language and area courses leading to the master of arts degree with regional concentrations in East Asia, the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. The program is a basic preparation in language and area training, both for students intending to proceed to the Ph.D. degree in a related field and for students preparing for a career not requiring the doctorate. The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures also administers a graduate minor in Asian studies in cooperation with various departments, allowing graduate students electing this minor to concentrate on East Asia, the Middle East, South Asia, or Southeast Asia, or a combination of two or more of these areas. At press time, new master's and doctoral degree programs in East Asian Languages and Cultures were nearing approval. Potential applicants should contact the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures for information on these programs.


Candidates for admission must meet at least the minimum standards established by the Graduate College for graduate study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, but final selection is determined by a committee of center faculty members. All students must submit GRE scores. Students whose native language is not English must score at least 600 on the TOEFL to be eligible for admission at full graduate standing. Applicants must specify one of the regional concentrations at the time of application. Although prior language and area training relating to the regional concentration is highly desirable, it is not required for admission. Students entering without any prior training or experience, however, may be required to take, without credit toward the degree, such work as the adviser may deem necessary to make up any deficiencies.


Candidates must complete 9 units of work in area studies distributed among at least three disciplines and chosen from an accepted list of courses, demonstrate a reading knowledge of one language related to the candidate's regional concentration by satisfactory completion of an examination or appropriate course work, pass an oral examination covering the area studies taken while in residence, and complete two satisfactory research/seminar papers. No thesis is required.


Candidates for a master's degree who elect Asian studies as a minor must earn at least 2 units of graduate credit in approved courses in at least two departments outside the major department.

Doctoral candidates who elect Asian studies as a minor must earn at least 4 units of graduate credit in approved courses in at least two departments outside the major department. Also, before the completion of course requirements for the degree, doctoral candidates must complete satisfactorily an examination in an appropriate Asian language.

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