Graduate Programs: ARCHITECTURE

NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.

Director of the School: R. Alan Forrester

Chair of Graduate Programs: Hub White

Correspondence and Information: Graduate Office, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 117 Architecture Building , 608 East Lorado Taft Drive, Champaign, IL 61820; (217) 244-4723


Director of the School: R. Alan Forrester

Associate Director of the School: Hub White

Associate Director for Undergraduate and Administrative Affairs: Art Kaha

Professors: J. G. Albrecht, M. M. Ali, J. R. Anderson, B. Bognar, R. A. Forrester, J. S. Garner, B. L. Hutchings, M. K. Kim, H. J. Miller, R. T. Mooney, R. G. Ousterhout, H. S. Plummer, R. B. Riley, J. P. Warfield, H. C. White, D. J. Wickersheimer

Associate Professors: M. J. Andrejasich, K. H. Anthony, R. J. Betts, E. H. Clay, C. M. Dry, W. H. Erwin, L. A. Leffers, M. T. McCulley, J. S. Poss, R. E. Schmitt, R. I. Selby, J. E. Simon, W.J. Voelker

Assistant Professors: P. J. Armstrong, M. Boubekri, K. J. Hinders, P. S. Kruty, A. Lapunzina, C. G. Lewis, A. L. Marshall, J. T. Reese


The School of Architecture offers three graduate programs, each leading to the master of architecture degree: Track 1, a one-year program for students holding a five-year bachelor of architecture professional degree; Track 2, a two-year program for students holding a four-year bachelor of science in architectural studies (or similar degree in architecture); and Track 3, a program of variable length for students holding a bachelor's degree in any field other than architecture. Tracks 2 and 3 programs are professional degree programs accredited by the National Architectural Accreditation Board.

The School of Architecture, together with the graduate programs of business administration, finance, computer science, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, and civil engineering, offers graduate programs leading to the following dual degrees: master of architecture and master of business administration, master of architecture and master of science in finance, master of architecture and master of computer science, master of architecture and master of urban planning, and master of architecture and master of civil engineering (construction engineering and management), and master of architecture and master of landscape architecture.


The admission grade-point average for full-standing in the Graduate College and the School must be at least 4.0 (A = 5.0). For applicants who meet the other requirements but have an admission grade-point average under 4.0, admission with limited standing may be permitted if evidence of exceptional qualifications is presented. Admission with limited standing may also be permitted for applicants holding a degree less than equivalent to a degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, provided that equivalency can be established through additional course work.

Applicants are ranked and selected on the basis of undergraduate academic performance measured by an admission average determined from official college transcripts, a portfolio or brochure of applicant's past work in the architectural field, a statement of objectives, three letters of recommendation, and relevant professional work experience.


Applicants who hold the five-year bachelor of architecture degree are considered to have earned the first professional degree. For those applicants, a one-year degree program has been developed emphasizing further study in depth of one optional area of concentration, and/or participation in research identical to the final phase of the Track 2 graduate program.

Candidates admitted to the Track 1 graduate program must complete at least 8 units of graduate work. Candidates must spend at least two semesters and earn at least half of the required units in residence. Candidates admitted with full standing may complete the program in one full-time academic year of study.


The two-year professional degree program, intended for students entering with a four-year baccalaureate in architectural studies, emphasizes further study in architectural disciplines, study in depth in one optional area of concentration, and/or participation in research.

The initial phase of the two-year graduate program comprised of advanced study in architectural disciplines, building upon the fundamentals established in a four-year undergraduate study program. This initial phase is a two-semester integrated sequence in architectural administration, construction, design, and structures. This work completes the common core of course work required of all candidates for the master of architecture professional degree.

Election of an optional area of concentration constitutes the final phase of the graduate program and allows students to devote two semesters of work to a specific field of their choice. The department offers optional areas of concentration in architectural design, architectural history and historic preservation, architectural management, architectural practice and technology, architectural structures.

Candidates admitted with full or qualified standing to the two-year professional degree program must complete at least 151/2 units of graduate work. Candidates must spend at least four semesters and earn at least half of the required units in residence. Candidates admitted with full standing may complete the program in two full-time academic years of study.


The variable-length professional degree program has been designed for applicants who have a bachelor's degree in any field other than architecture. Emphasis is placed on the development of sufficient background in introductory architectural studies so that the applicants may successfully complete the equivalent of the two-year graduate program described above.

Applicants accepted into the Track 3 program will initially be admitted with limited standing. Full standing may be attained by completion of introductory architectural studies. Once full standing is attained, a minimum of 131/2 units of graduate work is required for completion.

The time necessary to complete the program will depend on the nature of undergraduate course work completed by the applicant and on the optional area selected.


This double degree program offers an opportunity to obtain an education for a career that combines the disciplines of architecture and planning. The program requires a match of related subject areas from the two departments in order to meet the requirements for each degree. These areas include: housing/community development, preservation/preservation planning, and urban design/environmental planning and land use. For entry into this program, applicants must satisfy the admission requirements of each academic unit. Application for admission may be made either simultaneously to both units or in sequence.

Candidates entering the program with a four-year baccalaureate in architectural studies must complete at least 201/2 units of graduate work and, if admitted with full standing, may complete the program in six semesters and one summer session. Candidates entering the program with a five-year bachelor of architecture degree must complete at least 16 units of graduate work and, if admitted with full standing, may complete the program in four semesters and a summer session.


Three double master's degree programs related to the architectural management option prepare graduate degree candidates for the broad range of management activity now developing in architectural practice. Work in the architectural management option in one of these areas can lead to one of the following double master's degree combinations: master of architecture and master of business administration, master of architecture and master of science in finance, and master of architecture and master of computer science.

For entry into one of these programs, applicants must satisfy the admission and performance requirements of each academic unit. Application for admission may be made simultaneously to both units, or admission to one unit may be sought after gaining entry to the other.

Candidates entering one of these double degree programs with a four-year baccalaureate in architectural studies must complete 211/2 units of graduate work, except that the combination of master of architecture and master of computer science degrees requires 181/2 units plus 9 semester hours of prerequisites in computer science. If admitted with full standing, students can complete the program in five semesters. Candidates entering the program with a five-year bachelor of architecture degree must complete at least 16 units of graduate work and, if admitted with full standing, may complete the program in four semesters.


This double degree program offers qualified applicants the opportunity to develop competence in a career that combines the disciplines of architecture and civil engineering (construction engineering and management). For entry into this program, applicants must satisfy the admission and performance requirements of each academic unit. Application for admission should be made to the School of Architecture. Admission to the other unit may be sought after the first semester of graduate study in architecture.

Candidates entering the program with a four-year baccalaureate in architectural studies must complete at least 211/2 units of graduate work and, if admitted with full standing, may complete the program in five semesters. Candidates entering the program with a five-year bachelor of architecture degree must complete 16 units of graduate work and, if admitted with full standing, may complete the program in four semesters.


Financial aid for graduate students in architecture is available in the form of fellowships, teaching and research assistantships, and tuition and partial fee waivers. Qualified candidates are considered for financial support upon application.

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