College of Education

NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation in the paper version or from a live human being.

110 Education Building
1310 South Sixth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-2800



The College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers undergraduate degree programs in three of the six departments within the college. The departments that offer undergraduate degree programs, and the programs offered by each, are described below.

The Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers degree programs in elementary education, early childhood education, and secondary education. Students who satisfactorily complete the degree program in elementary education are eligible for the University's recommendation for Illinois certification in grades kindergarten through nine. The early childhood education degree program prepares students for recommendation for early childhood Illinois certification (birth through grade three). The secondary education program offers degrees in the following teaching specialties: English, mathematics, social studies, general science, physical sciences, and life sciences. Students who satisfactorily complete a degree program in secondary education are eligible for the University's recommendation for Illinois certification in grades six through twelve. Only students who have earned at least 60 semester hours are considered for admission to secondary education curricula in the College of Education.

The Department of Special Education offers an undergraduate degree program that prepares students to teach persons with moderate to severe disabilities. Students who satisfactorily complete the degree program in special education are eligible for the University's recommendation for Illinois certification in grades kindergarten through twelve with an endorsement in trainable mentally handicapped. This program is able to accommodate only a small number of juniors and seniors. Applicants to this program must complete special admission procedures.

The Department of Vocational and Technical Education offers degree programs in occupational/practical arts education and business education. At the time of publication, the business education program was proposed for elimination. Students interested in the occupational/practical arts education program for the training of teachers in nonschool settings are encouraged to contact the program adviser. Students who elect this option are not eligible for the University's recommendation for public school certification.

In addition to these degree programs, a two-year curriculum in the College of Education, called education general, is available to students who have completed less than 60 semester hours of credit. It is designed to accommodate students admitted as freshmen who are uncertain about the specific degree programs they wish to pursue in the College of Education and who need to complete 60 hours to qualify for admission to curricula in the college for which junior standing is an admission requirement.

In addition to offering undergraduate degree programs in education, the College of Education, under the auspices of the Council on Teacher Education, cooperates with four other undergraduate colleges on the Urbana-Champaign campus to provide courses in professional education to undergraduate students who are preparing for careers in teaching and special educational services.

The College of Education also offers graduate degree programs. Detailed information concerning graduate programs in education may be obtained by referring to the College of Education Graduate Programs Handbook available in 120 Education Building.



The curricula in education general, early childhood education, and elementary education admit beginning freshmen. Junior standing, at least 60 semester hours of baccalaureate-oriented course work attained at an accredited institution of higher learning, is required for admission to the programs in special education, occupational/practical arts education, and secondary education.

Admission to the College of Education at any level (of freshmen, of transfers from other institutions, or of on-campus transfers from other colleges) is competitive. Freshmen must complete the University's minimum high school subject pattern. In addition, freshman applications are evaluated for admission based on ACT/SAT scores and the high school percentile rank achieved at the conclusion of the junior year in high school. Admission for transfer from other institutions and for on-campus transfer is based on the following criteria: the cumulative and UIUC grade-point average(s), grades earned in the course work of the intended major, completion of required course pattern, the quality of the applicant's background statement, and space availability in the desired curriculum. At the time of publication, the minimum grade-point average for transfer admission was 4.0 (A = 5.0). A student whose cumulative average is below the minimum criteria may be considered individually, on a petit ion basis, if enrollment vacancies exist in the curriculum to which the student is seeking admission and if a compelling rationale is presented.


Each undergraduate student in the College of Education must meet the University requirements and the requirements of the Council on Teacher Education for graduation. Students in all curricula must meet the course and academic credit requirements of their curricula with satisfactory scholastic averages. Student teaching is required of all undergraduates in teacher education and must be completed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Students in need of additional information concerning regulations and requirements of the College of Education should consult their academic advisers or the assistant dean for professional programs in the College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 110 Education Building, 1310 South Sixth Street, Champaign, IL 61820.

For additional requirements pertaining to certification, please refer to the section on the Council on Teacher Education.


At the time of publication, the University general education requirements were under revision. Prospective and new students should confirm their general education requirements by consulting the college admissions/records officer.

In order to meet the University's current requirements in general education, each candidate for a degree from the College of Education must complete Composition I; Composition II; and at least 6 semester hours of credit in each of three areas: humanities, sciences, and social sciences. In all teacher education curricula, additional credit in these areas is required. These requirements are generally fulfilled by course work offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Students must select their courses for general education from the Council on Teacher Education list of approved courses, which is available from academic advisers and the Professional Programs Office.

Special Programs

Honors at Graduation

Eligibility for graduation with honors is established on the fulfillment of residence and scholastic requirements. Residence requirements for graduation with honors are fulfilled under any one of the following conditions:

-- Meeting University residence requirements for graduation and having earned at least 54 of the final 60 semester hours of credit in residence at the Urbana-Champaign campus. Course credit that is not included in the grade-point average does not count toward the residence requirement.

-- Obtaining waiver of University residence requirements by petition to the Professional Programs Office, 110 Education Building, and having earned at least 54 of the last 60 semester hours of credit, excluding credit for courses that are not included in computation of the grade-point average, through resident study at the Urbana-Champaign campus.

-- Meeting University residence requirements and having completed all but 15 hours in resident study at the Urbana-Champaign campus.

-- Having completed the first 90 semester hours in residence and all or part of the senior year in an approved program at another institution for a University of Illinois degree.

A student who achieves the required scholastic average in all education courses and in all work presented for graduation (excluding credit for courses not included in the computation of the grade-point average), with professional education and cumulative averages computed separately, may be recommended for honors as follows: honors, minimum professional education and cumulative grade-point averages of 4.5 (A = 5.0); high honors, minimum professional education and cumulative grade-point averages of 4.75; highest honors, minimum professional education and cumulative grade-point averages of 4.75 and rank within the top 5 percent of those education students graduating within the same period.

Edmund J. James Scholars

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