3030 Music Building
1114 West Nevada Street
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-2620
A minimum of 130 hours of credit is required for graduation. This curriculum prepares its graduates for teaching music in grades kindergarten through twelve. For teacher education requirements applicable to all curricula, see the Council on Teacher Education. Students complete a concentration in instrumental (band or strings), choral, or elementary-general music education. For more detailed information, see the music education advising Website at https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/bergonzi/bmeadvising/
In order to be recommended for certification, candidates are required to maintain a UIUC cumulative grade-point average of 2.5, content area (music courses) gpa of 2.75, and professional education course gpa of 3.0 (A=4.0). Candidates should consult the music education handbook, their advisor, or the Council on Teacher Education for a listing of courses used to compute these grade-point averages.
Illinois state law and Council on Teacher Education policy require that all candidates for teacher education programs pass the Illinois Certification Test System Basic Skills test before admission. In the case of music education, students are admitted as freshmen to the degree program without certification, and must pass the ICTS Basic Skills test prior to being admitted to the certification track in the sophomore year. As well, all students planning to graduate after December 31, 2011 must earn at least a C in all music courses required for certification.
All students are required to enroll in at least one approved performance ensemble each semester in residence, except the semester when they student teach, and must demonstrate keyboard competency through a proficiency exam or by enrolloing in MUS 172 and/or MUS 173.
Hours | General Education |
4 | Composition I |
3 | Advanced Composition (Music 344 meets ACP) |
3 | Speech Communication |
6 | Humanities and the Arts (one course must be outside the School of Music) |
6 | Cultural Studies |
6 | Natural Science and Technology |
3 | Social and Behavioral Science |
3-4 | PSYC 100* (meets SBS) |
6 | Quantitative Reasoning I and II (MUS 239 meets Quant II) |
0-12 | Foreign Language |
40-52 | Total hours |
*PSYC 100 is prerequisite to EPSY 201 Educational Psychology, required in all teacher education programs.
Hours | Musicianship |
12 | Applied major1 |
2 | MUS 101 Music Theory and Practice I |
2 | Music 102- Music Theory and Practice II |
2 | MUS 107 Aural Skills I |
2 | MUS 108 Aural Skills II |
2 | Music 201- Music Theory and Practice III |
2 | Music 202- Music Theory and Practice IV |
2 | MUS 207 Aural Skills III |
1 | MUS 208 Aural Skills IV |
2 | MUS 110 -- Introd Art Mus: Intl Perspect |
3 | MUS 313 - The History of Music I |
3 | MUS 314 - The History of Music II |
4 | Ensembles |
2 | MUS 172 - Grp Instr Pno for Mus Major I |
2 | MUS 173 - Grp Instr Pno for Mus Major II2 |
2 | MUS 243 - Introductory Music Ed Tech |
45 | Total |
Hours | Professional Education |
3 |
MUS 242 - Elements of Conducting |
3 | MUS 339 - Prncpls and Technqs in Mus Ed |
See below for additional coursework specific to the professional concentration (choral, elementary general, or instrumental). | |
0 |
MUS 090 - Seminar in Music Education |
1 | MUS 240 - Orientation Mus Tchg Lrng K-HS |
2 | MUS 320 - Pre-student Tchng Experience |
8-16 | Student Teaching3,4 |
3 | EPS 201 - Foundations of Education, or EPS 202 (ACP) |
1 | CI 473 - Literacy in Content Areas |
3 | EPSY 201 - Educational Psychology, EPSY 202 or EPSY 236 |
42-54 | Total |
Hours | |
Additional hours as needed to total 130 |
1. Enrollment in the applied major is normally expected during the first six semesters, 2 semester hours each.
2. All students must demonstrate keyboard competency by examination when they matriculate or by enrolling in MUS 172 and/or MUS 173.
3. If public school certification
is not desired, the student selects alternative courses totaling
13 semester hours in consultation with his or her adviser, seven
semester hours of which must be from the student's applied major,
music theory, or music history.
4. Only eight hours of student teaching apply toward graduation.
Hours | Professional Education |
2 |
MUS 174—Grp Instr Pno for Mus Major III (if a voice major) or MUS 181—Voice (if a piano major) |
2 | MUS 330—Choral Lit and Conducting |
2 | MUS 331—Choral Tch and Rehearsal Tch |
3 |
MUS 348—Rep for Scndry Sch Chor Prog |
3 | MUS 342—General Music K-12 |
3 | MUS 343—Tch Music in Middle School |
3 | MUS 346—Teaching of Choral Music |
18 | Total |
Hours | Professional Education |
2 |
MUS 330—Choral Lit and Conducting |
3 | MUS 342—General Music K-12 |
3 | MUS 343—Tch Music in Middle School |
2 |
MUS 348—Rep for Scndry Sch Chor Prog |
3 | MUS 438—Designing Musical Experiences |
3 | MUS 439—Diversity in Music Classrooms |
2 | MUS 449—Music in Early Childhood |
18 | Total |
Hours | Professional Education |
8 |
Supplementary Instruments. MUS 140, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, or 1585 |
3 | MUS 332—Adv Conducting/Tch Strats-Band |
MUS 333—Adv Conducting/Tch Strats-Orch | |
2 | MUS 335—Elem and Mid Sch Instrum Music |
3 | MUS 344—Tch Secondary Inst Music, or MUS—352 Tchng Strings in Grp Settings6 |
3 | MUS 346—Teaching of Choral Music |
22 | Total |
5.The specific supplementary instrument courses taken will vary depending on the student’s major instrument. Consult the Music Education Handbook for additional information.
6. String majors take MUS 352. All other instrumental majors take MUS344.